About the Author

Paul Joseph Santoro Emerick was born in the mid-1980s from a middle-class family with a military service background carried on by each generation, including him as a US Navy veteran. He currently works as a teacher when not writing. Previously, he served as a historian for the Golden Key International Honour Society at the local chapter while attending California State University San Bernardino, where he documented articles about philanthropic activities that the charitable organization was involved in. He has also previously self-published a novel in 2008 called Portals of Infinite Enchantment: The Legends of Latera, and returning to writing since that time, he has been very inspired to tell a new story also under a fantasy theme but with aspects of relevant issues that we face in real-life society today, including withdrawing from a prolonged war and occupation, managing a pandemic, and dealing with an antagonist who is in pursuit of historical revisionism while engaging in territorial domination. The author currently resides in the same general area in which he grew up around Redlands, California.