
A dark plot unfolds in the western lands of the Kingdom of Swordbane with the formation of an unholy alliance, deliberate spread of a deadly affliction, and a newly conspired war looming on the horizon after the Kingdom of Swordbane has just emerged victorious from a bitter twenty-year-long war with its eastern rival neighbor. Masterminding this dark plot built on social malaise from corruption and an espoused propaganda of revisionism, a former vassal of the kingdom emerges who seeks to claim the status of the ultimate dark lord and chosen vessel. In seeking to receive special divine powers, this aspiring dark lord will pave a bloody path of death and destruction in order to ultimately create a new prosperous social and political order inspired from the ashes of the once-great Lupercalian Empire. Only a group of unlikely but personally connected heroes seeks to stand in the way and fight back to preserve what is left of the kingdom. Throughout their trials and hardships, both the heroes and this ambitious dark lord will reflect upon their past life events while seeking to move forward with the challenges they face ahead in the ultimate war of perceived good versus evil. Whoever wins in this struggle, one thing is certain among all of them: life will never be the same.

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Shimmerfrost: Swordbane Book II

Swordbane Sequel

Ten years after the initial events of the original novel Swordbane a new adventure and plot begins to unfold. The heroes of the elite Order of the Comradery find themselves separated while pursuing and confronting a cult caravan of the departed but glorified dark lord Dux Decius. Upon their final confrontation, Marin and Linitus of the Comradery escape the ensuing turmoil of a collapsing cave mine by taking a portal to a far away land in the north known as Shimmerfrost. Upon arriving these two heroes must rely on each other for survival in a very hostile, cold, and unfamiliar land while uncovering a new villainous regional overlord known as Helskadi, the Winter Death Witch Queen, poised to solidify her dominance over all the various beings of the region while relying heavily on the powers of her mysterious ally and vassal beast necromancer known as Wendigo. Eventually while crossing paths Marin and Linitus must build new alliances to finding common ground to reconcile two major groups in the region that have unwittingly been manipulated and used by Helskadi to fight each other in a long bitter war somehow connected to Wendigo and the blame each group has accused each other in being responsible symbolically for both the collective and individual faults of their prior misfortunes with which they struggle to come to terms. Only through uniting these two groups can Marin and Linitus hope to have a chance of prevailing against Helskadi and eventually resume their efforts to return home to the Kingdom of Swordbane.

Meanwhile, Duchess Lucia Diem, upon sacrificing her life for her son’s escape along with his cult followers  in the earlier confrontation against the Comradery, she now finds herself in the presence of the deity spirit of death, Calu. Surprising the deity spirit by rejecting her intended destination in being united with many of her ancestors in the paradise of Caelum, Lucia instead chooses to be sent to the fiery realm of condemnation known as Hadao Infernum out of utter devotion to unite with her previous belated lover, Decius. Upon uniting in the fiery realm of hell, the two soulmates rekindle their bond, come to new understanding and terms of their present abode while forging a new dark path of domination in which Decius seeks to make another bid to claiming the title as dark lord of hell while wagging a new war against the realm’s current reigning occupant, Orcus, the Lord of Punishment.

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